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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Am I hopeless?: Our Elders

Am I hopeless?: Our Elders: "Whole society is consciously protecting our children. Everyone hates the person or action to hurt children. But what about our elders? Our..."

Our Elders

Whole society is consciously protecting our children. Everyone hates the person or action to hurt children. But what about our elders?

Our parents, grandparents had given all their emotion, money and time to raise us, taking us to university, caring about our wellbeing even when we have our own family. Now they are old, they are vulnerable. Are we trying to protect them as much as we are protecting our children?

From generation to generation the level of love and care from parents to children and from children to parents can hardly balance.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Talking To The One You Love

Some tips:

1. Giving compliments ------------------ evens criticism
2. smile with sense of humor. ----------- make people less offensive
3. talking right thing at right time ---- people want to listen
4. stop talking at right time ---------- giving space
5. using right body language ---------- avoid argument and fight
6. using gentle tongue ----------------- you are a winner!